Sunday, July 13, 2014

I woke up this morning with my sister, Maddie, packing her things to leave Toronto. She was here for 3 days and everybody - and everything - was sad she was going. While she was here we made lots of delicious foods that I really should have taken pictures of for this blog. We also went to the Beyonce and Jay Z On The Run tour (which was one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed in my life) and we explored all over the city. We went to the downtown, to china town and to hippie town. We covered it all, basically. I was sad to see her go this morning and so was the sky. It was raining - no, it was pouring tears. Once Maddie was out the door I really didn't feel like doing much. It was early morning and the sky was grey and it was a Sunday. I think I can speak for everybody when I say that Sundays are for being lazy. I wasn't really in the mood to make some extravagant breakfast and to make sure I got every nutrient I needed to fuel my body throughout the day. I decided on making 3 ingredient pancakes. Quick and simple. But wait! These pancakes DO have the ingredients I need to fuel my boy throughout the day! Protein and fruit! All I needed extra was a side of toast!

3 ingredient pancakes:

~Banana - 1
~Eggs - 2
~Baking powder - 1 tsp

The simple instructions:

Step 1 : Mash a banana to complete mush with a fork.

Step 2: Whisk 2 eggs, add a teaspoon of baking powder.

Step 3: Mix the eggs, banana and baking powder together.

Step 4: Heat on a pan. Poor the mix into circles about the size of your fist. They are ready to flip when bubbles start to form on top, just the same way you would wait to flip a 'normal' pancake.


Feel free to add anything your heart desires to the pancakes. Blueberries, dark chocolate, milk chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, the list goes on and on.

I made a couple with blueberries and a couple plain. Then as toppings I used a number of different things such as almond butter, cacao butter, macadamia nut butter and maple syrup. My favorite combination is the almond butter and maple syrup. That's really my favorite combination on everything. It never fails.


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