Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Figs are delicious so let's discuss.

Aside from their beautiful colors, sweet taste and adorable shape, figs are great to add to a meal or to snack on by themselves. They contain a good amount of nutrients too...so what's not to love?! (Rhetorical question but the simple answer would be nothing.)

~ When should you eat them?
They're best during the summer and autumn seasons.

~ Lower your blood pressure!
Figs help to naturally increase potassium in the body, which in turn helps lower blood pressure. Score.

~ Watching your weight?
Due to the high fibre content, figs help you feel fuller faster. Your food cravings will subside and they'll help with digestive wellness. Double score!

~ Get rid of acne!
If you have acne, try mashing a fig and applying it to your skin. The high water content makes figs a perfect cleanser.

~ Increase your bone density!
You can thank all of the Calcium and Potassium found in figs for this one.

~ Beast mode kidney function!
Have some fig leaf extract to help lower fat levels in your kidneys...therefore helping them to function better.

*Enjoy in moderation because too many tend to have a laxative effect on the body due to all of the oxalates. ;)

How I like them:

I like to cut these little guys in half and broil them with some agave or maple syrup (if you aren't feeling the agave and you aren't vegan, honey will do) on top for 8-10 minutes, or until the tops start to bubble. Serve warm by themselves or if you're a cheese eater, try some goat cheese. They're also great on vanilla ice cream (or banana ice cream), in a fresh salad (kale, anyone?), with baked sweet potato, pomegranate, or anything else you think up. Figs rock.

(As you can see, I was running extremely low on tinfoil.)


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