Monday, March 30, 2015

I challenge you to never buy sushi again.

If you cannot accept this challenge, I understand because I will not accept it myself due to laziness. Sometimes I just really don't feel like making food. During those times I make the wise decision to buy sushi.

Let me teach you how to prepare your own sushi so that you have the option of making it if you aren't feeling so lazy.

Sushi is extremely easy to make, hence why I made it for lunch. So why would you ever be lazy enough to buy it?


~ Making sushi requires pouring some water and rice into a rice cooker, pressing the power button and watching Netflix for 20 minutes until the cooker finishes doing its thing.

~ Rolling sushi requires a tiny bit of finger strength.

Think you can handle it? GREAT. Let's get started.

But before we begin I should mention that due to lack of supplies (a bamboo rolling sheet), I opted for a clean dish towel to place underneath my seaweed. I didn't find this to be a problem at all and it's a great solution if you don't have a bamboo sheet hanging out in your kitchen.


~ Sushi rice - 1/2 cup

~ Any kind of vegetable(s) you would like to add (I used cucumber and bean sprouts)

~ Seaweed sheet - 1

~ Pepper (optional)

~ Soy sauce (optional)


1. Cook your sushi rice.

2. Fold your dish towel in half and lay it down flat. Or, if you have a bamboo sheet, lay that out flat. Place 1 sheet of seaweed on top of your towel.

3. Spread the sushi rice evenly over the seaweed. The rice is sticky so I would advise you spread it with the back of a spoon, or if you would prefer to use your hands, wet your fingers with some water to avoid sticking.

4. Shred (or chop/slice/cut) your vegetables of choice into long strips. Place the vegetables one by one in a horizontal line. They should be placed about 1 inch from the bottom of the seaweed sheet. (First photo shows cucumber, second photo shows bean sprouts added.) I chose to sprinkle some pepper onto the rice after this. The choice is yours.

5. Now you roll. Don't be scared, it's only sushi. Take the bottom of the sheet and tuck as closely to the vegetables as possible. You are essentially wrapping the seaweed around the vegetables. Then begin to roll the entire sheet into a tube, from the bottom up. Keep rolling pretty tightly.

6. Finish off the rolling and make sure the seem of the seaweed is sealed. Move the roll onto a plate.

7. Using a serrated knife, cut your sushi into evenly spaced pieces.

Congratulations! You just made your first roll! Eat with chopsticks or your fingers and dip in soy sauce if you'd like.

I love that so much can be done with sushi making. There is a never-ending variety of delicious combinations to go into a roll. Now that you know how to make some very simple sushi, don't be afraid to get creative!


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